
The content featured here is a conglomerate of all things I do/like, and find inspirational - most of which tends to involve sparkles. Hope you enjoy!


SXSW 2010 ((long overdue && last 1, i promise)) ::: FMLY Group Hug @ Dominican Joe's, feat. Philip Seymour Hoffman & Michael Parallax


 I get video/camera happy

 Noah started.  He is Philip Seymour Hoffman.  We <3 that, right?

My fav is the 2nd video, but the 3rd is quite beautiful as well.

SXSW 2010 ::: PSH 1 @ FMLY Group Hug from OohSparkles on Vimeo.


SXSW 2010 ::: PSH 2 @ FMLY Group Hug from OohSparkles on Vimeo.


SXSW 2010 ::: PSH 3 @ FMLY Group Hug from OohSparkles on Vimeo.

 Where did the name come from?  One day Noah saw Mr. Hoffman himself riding a bike and knew he had to say hello or something.  The first thing he thought to say was that he makes electronic music underneath his name.. Philip Seymour Hoffman.  After probably confusing him, but still worried he may be Googled or something by him or his assistant, Noah went home that night && recorded 2 songs underneath the moniker, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and posted them on Myspace. Thus PSH was born.

Michael Parallax also did the damn thang.  I <3 'ed his costume changes.

He rox.

That is all.


SXSW 2010 ::: Day 2, Carniville !

OMG, which one should I do first?!?!

Loved him. Hope he loved me. I'd like to hang him on my wall or something.  In an art way, not a weird killing way.  ((He matches my room perfectly, okay?! god))

The Death Set performed.  I never heard of them, but Noah said they were great.  I think he <3 's them so much cus they remind him of Blink182.  They reminded me of Blink182, anyway.  But I was in love with Blink back in the day, so that is fine.  They were pretty awesome though, more fun to watch than hear, but I'm sure they make good music, right?  I just prefer their stage antics.  PS. That's Clayton's Orioles hat near the middle/right.  He was taking pics that day instead of Nicky ... although perhaps they were both there, switching off?  Maybe neither was there and it was just their ghosts?  It doesn't quite matter, really.  Just that Clayton is from Chicago && we <3 that, right?

Here's a video of The Death Set's performance.  I suggest turning down the volume a bit, I was right by le speakers.  Also, apparenly they were told that they were not allowed to break anything this year.. ha, so that explains :28 ... precious! 

The Death Set @ SXSW 2010 Carniville Day 2 from OohSparkles on Vimeo.

I didn't go to Day 3 of Carniville.  It was raining/even more super cold :(

Check out my Flickr for more pics !



SXSW 2010 ::: Jam Sessions

On Saturday Fmly originally had planned to do some guerilla style shows all along the river/GAZEBO, but seeing as how it was so fucking cold that day, it turned more into some fun little jam sessions punctuated with trips to the coffee shop around the corner to warm up, drink large hot beverages, and use the bathroom.  Here we got some Truman Peyote action with Eric Farber doing us a little diddy followed by Henry Crawford of Bad Teeth on the next vid. PS. I'm in love with Henry's voice.  For real. Skip to 1:08.  Thank me later.


Just realized that Mr. Farber here is moving at the speed of light.  Kind of makes it even cooler though, no? Ima keep it that way.  You can thank me later for that, too.

jam sesh w/ da bitchesz :: Eric Farber of TRUMAN PEYOTE from OohSparkles on Vimeo.


jam sesh w/ da bitchesz :: Henry Crawford of BAD TEETH from OohSparkles on Vimeo.



SXSW ::: Lord Scrummage

The crew and I waltzed past this parking lot by the Austin Convention Center && there was this band, Lord Scrummage performing.

Lord Scrummage @ SXSW 2010 from OohSparkles on Vimeo.

They were fun.  I liked their colours.


SXSW ::: JellyNYC + IHEARTCOMIX + Mad Decent's "Carniville" Day 1

I hit up the Jelly carnival the other day, which is by FAR the BEST party being thrown at SXSW.  It is at the Mexican American Cultural Center @ 600 River Street.  Rides, stages, pictures, cotton candy, American Apparel Flea Market, ETC&ETC . LOTS&LOTS !

Saw Kid Sister perform.  She is ADORABLE!

Rockin' a Freedom Jewellery for Topshop heart chain necklace !

Nicky was also around snappin pix while I was around and about on the rideszz!!

RIDESZZ!: JellyNYC + IHEARTCOMIX + Mad Decent Records, "Carniville" @ SXSW from OohSparkles on Vimeo.


<3 <3 <3 !