
The content featured here is a conglomerate of all things I do/like, and find inspirational - most of which tends to involve sparkles. Hope you enjoy!


OkCupid : Where I'm @@@@@ part deux !

It's trueeee, I forced my roommate to join.  She <3 'ed it at first but then got hit up too much and felt bad for not responding.  She has since deactivated.  

I've been getting hit up a lot by the nakeds.  What's concerning is our compatibility ratings.

Oh, && I went on dates.  Yes, yes.  Those to come.


A Trip to the MagaZINE Store

Why do I feel like Interview is always 6 months to a year behind?  When did French Vogue do their all Lara Stone issue?  Also, is that nipple I see?

Also, Lauren Conrad must have a really good publicist.

&& This stylist should be fired.  Heidi is hot.  This dress on her is not.  #Fail.


Fine. I'll admit occasional goth tendencies. But i still <3 colour ::: MEADHAM KIRCHHOFF **AW10**

Dark, dreary, scary, badass, colourful, drapey, dainty, chiffons, lace, pinks, hungover, eyeliner, leopard, latex, crowns, veils, flat shoes, london, gimme.  ++++ lots of accessories.  HELLOOOOO

Hands down the best show of AW10.


Mark Gonzales Studio Sale

Skateboarder, Mark Gonzales, had a sale yesterday at 580 Broadway in SoHo of all his art, shirts, shoes, zines, stickers + Gnar Gnar videos accrued over the years.

I recently started helping his stylist girlfriend, who just the other week decided we needed to clear out her studio since she was moving it closer to home.  After clearing all her stuff out, we didn't know what to do with all of Mark's art and such, as they had also been using the space as storage.  I suggested we do a studio sale for all of it, you know, to make some $$ rather than toss everthing.  Seemed like a pretty decent idea at the time.  Little did I know that Mark is to the skateboarding world as Karl Lagerfeld is to fashion.  Needless to say, people got pretty excited.

He was so cute.  He came up from Maryland.


Apparently putting this on VHS was SO him.  He is currently in LA for the week filming the sequel.

Also, I learned what a "shmoo" was.



@ Irregular Choice

Did you know their NYC store is the only one in America?!? Love those Brits.  Also, decided I was meant to live in the 70s.. mainly for colour and aesthetic reasons.  That && I wish they had this shoe in a size up.. I needed space to add an insole.  Bitchesz hurt yo.