OkCupid :: I went on Dates!! Suitor #1 : Andy

Name: Andy
Age: 24
Job: Works @ a record label doing online marketing things
Location: Williamsburg
Compatibility Rating: 78% match, 81% friend, 20% enemy
What Caught My Attention: That shining head of hair. Oh, and he's funny. && pretty effing hot.
# of Dates: 2
What We Did: We originally made plans to get drinks at Meet the Johnsons, but I had to cancel. We re-scheduged for happy hour drinks at 5 on a Sunday @ Pianos. Went swimmingly. Talked life, work, music, etc.. actually not one mention of the OkC site. Stayed for more than one drink. Had some laughs && fell momentarily in love. We exchanged numbers, & planned to meet up at SXSW since we were both going. That never happened because we were too busy. We did, however, get drinks the following week @ Sweet & Vicious. That also went quite well, I thought. Sadly, he never called me back. It's been over two weeks. Not gunna happen :(
Grade: A-
Would have actually loved to continue seeing him, but as I proposed our second date, I thought it would have been too hungry for me to do so for the next. I may be slightly a feminist, but I am also a lady. Man should do the date planning.