
The content featured here is a conglomerate of all things I do/like, and find inspirational - most of which tends to involve sparkles. Hope you enjoy!


Entries in austin (2)


SXSW 2010 ::: Jam Sessions

On Saturday Fmly originally had planned to do some guerilla style shows all along the river/GAZEBO, but seeing as how it was so fucking cold that day, it turned more into some fun little jam sessions punctuated with trips to the coffee shop around the corner to warm up, drink large hot beverages, and use the bathroom.  Here we got some Truman Peyote action with Eric Farber doing us a little diddy followed by Henry Crawford of Bad Teeth on the next vid. PS. I'm in love with Henry's voice.  For real. Skip to 1:08.  Thank me later.


Just realized that Mr. Farber here is moving at the speed of light.  Kind of makes it even cooler though, no? Ima keep it that way.  You can thank me later for that, too.

jam sesh w/ da bitchesz :: Eric Farber of TRUMAN PEYOTE from OohSparkles on Vimeo.


jam sesh w/ da bitchesz :: Henry Crawford of BAD TEETH from OohSparkles on Vimeo.



SXSW ::: Yard-Dog Amazingness

Yard-Dog Gallery was doing a thing right around the corner from my house.  Noah, Ian, and I poked our little heads inside this alley to check out what was going on, && it was kind of amazing.  For me @ least.  I actually heard of nearly everyone on the set list.  +++ there was this amazing band I didn't get to see, but they are called "We Were Promised Jetpacks" which is kind of the most amazing band name ever.  We saw Japandroids, The Hood Internet, and We Are Scientists.  

I discovered I'm kind of in <3 with the guitarist from Japandriods.  Him and his floppy hair.  && That the drummer drummed so well that his hand started bleeding.  That is good.  We like that.

Japandroids @ SXSW 2010 from OohSparkles on Vimeo.

I apologize for the in & out sound.  I'm still learning these little iPhone 3GS tricks.  Although I can't say I have an explanation for why the sound is only here for part the video.  Uploading perhaps.  OR perhaps Japandriods rocked so hard they blew out the sound in my little phone... yeah, that's it.  I'm gunna go with that.