SXSW 2010 ((long overdue && last 1, i promise)) ::: FMLY Group Hug @ Dominican Joe's, feat. Philip Seymour Hoffman & Michael Parallax

I get video/camera happy
Noah started. He is Philip Seymour Hoffman. We <3 that, right?
My fav is the 2nd video, but the 3rd is quite beautiful as well.
SXSW 2010 ::: PSH 1 @ FMLY Group Hug from OohSparkles on Vimeo.
SXSW 2010 ::: PSH 2 @ FMLY Group Hug from OohSparkles on Vimeo.
SXSW 2010 ::: PSH 3 @ FMLY Group Hug from OohSparkles on Vimeo.
Where did the name come from? One day Noah saw Mr. Hoffman himself riding a bike and knew he had to say hello or something. The first thing he thought to say was that he makes electronic music underneath his name.. Philip Seymour Hoffman. After probably confusing him, but still worried he may be Googled or something by him or his assistant, Noah went home that night && recorded 2 songs underneath the moniker, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and posted them on Myspace. Thus PSH was born.
Michael Parallax also did the damn thang. I <3 'ed his costume changes.
He rox.
That is all.