
The content featured here is a conglomerate of all things I do/like, and find inspirational - most of which tends to involve sparkles. Hope you enjoy!



I'm moving into a new apartment,, very slowly but surely since I have a month to move all my stuff.  It is quite literally 4 blocks away from my old one, but quite prime, if I dosaysomyself.  

Anyway, I had to find a way to move my mattress the other day, and since I didn't want to hire movers just yet, I employed James and Bojan.. after we finished off some frozen margz @ Benny's, of course.  Oh, and we found a random shopping cart on the street and used that to wheel my mattress to my new abode.  && by we, I mean them.

It was a very serious undertaking.

Crossing Houston.  LES, BABY!  I actually have very mixed feelings..


"THAT WAS LIKE FROGGER!" :: Moving my mattress across Houston from OohSparkles on Vimeo.


It was very successful.  


I will be here. You should be, too :: Ella Wednesdays **CINCO DE MAYO EDITION!!!**


I will be here. You should be, too :: Baddies Tuesdays

RSVP here!


In case you missed it: Ella Wednesdays w/ The Swiss, Jaques Renault, Gavin Royce, Lucas Walters, The Boogie Bros, Nicky Digital && Me!!

Some highlights...

Check Nicky's website for the full gallery


OkCupid :: I'm Converting Everyone 

Slowly but surely I am making all my friends join the site.

This is Nassim.  I swear we get along better than this.  If you are looking to date her, you can find her at Bobst.  That is where I have run into her 3 days this week.  She's a study-er.  But also a lady, so you best be payin' for her fancy sushi dinner.  Ya heard?

This is Hillary.  She hasn't answered any questions yet, otherwise our compatibility ratings would probably be fabulous.  If you are looking to date her you should probably adopt 1940's movie star good looks and/or become some sort of sailor man.  She can be found drinking 4Lokos at your local skate park in a mini skirt, bikini top, and combat boots.  Just kidding.  That was one time. But I wouldn't put it past her again..

This is Helga G. Petaki.  She wants to fall in love, too.  She is not yet on OkCupid, but I have hope that I can convert her soon.


That is all.