
The content featured here is a conglomerate of all things I do/like, and find inspirational - most of which tends to involve sparkles. Hope you enjoy!


Entries in online dating (1)


Ok, Cupid. Show me what you got.

I have met many-a-past lovers at a plethora of places: bars, clubs, elevators, subways, on the street, in class, around town, on the town, out of town, upside-down of town, etc.  So when my friend told me he had joined an online dating website, I was kind of baffled.  Granted he is gay and the online dating scene seems to be much more booming for boys4boys, I was surprised because he is a good-looking, sweet, talented, smart, polite, and all around interesting guy.  Which got me thinking... MAYBE I SHOULD JOIN AN ONLINE DATING SIGHT?!?! I mean, I am a part media major, always looking to do new things that initially make me uncomfortable, yet allow me to explore new facets of my personality, thus ensuring I constantly stay open-minded and non-judgemental.  && it is not like this is a last resort- I am still meeting people all the time in real life... so why not experiment and see what it is like online?  Plus the site he joined was called "OkCupid", which I found incredibly adorable.  I do love anything Valentine's Day related.  

I signed up yesterday.  I have created a profile (with a firm disclaimer that my intentions are first and foremost my blogging, but I'm not necessarily ruling any sort of genuine 'connections' out).  I have answered compatibility questions.  I have browsed, messaged, and winked.  I will go on dates with these men.  I will tell you about it... but nothing too personal, I am not out to abuse feelings.


HOWEVER, I have already fallen in love twice.

I'm kind of excited.