
The content featured here is a conglomerate of all things I do/like, and find inspirational - most of which tends to involve sparkles. Hope you enjoy!

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I Usually Hate the Whole Goth-y New York Thing...

Buuuuut, I just looked at Kimberly Ovitz's FW2010 collection and I got to say that she has done it right.  Cute, chic, unique draping.. a little boho, a little tailored, && some stripes + hoods thrown in for good measure.  Plus, it looks as though her cuts are forgiving on the body unlike a lot of similar NYC designers (offenders A, B, and C).

(Don't mind those 90's Matrix style glasses, plz)

On a related note, I just discovered that the goth style in NYC vs LA is much much MUCH different.  While the New Yorkers do a minimalist goth, I find that people in LA tend to do what I like to call "rockstar goth" - that is, lots of trinkets, hair dyed black, a bit of makeup (on dudes, namely), etc etc.  Am I right with this here?

There are, however, always exceptions. But Odilon is a post for another day.



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