
The content featured here is a conglomerate of all things I do/like, and find inspirational - most of which tends to involve sparkles. Hope you enjoy!

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OMG the new Nylon is AMAAZZING !

I actually grew up a Teen Vogue fiend, but this new issue of Nylon with Katy Perry on the cover is BOMB! However, as much as I love her and think she is adorable, I will say I am not THAT naive && realize she is still riding the "I Kissed a Girl" wave circa 2 years ago. Lucky for her, she is incredibly likeable and if anything, I would say that she has crossed over into it-girl territory (rather than pop icon) , which is what Nylon is all about, anyway. Plus, she is engaged to that super cute comedian && is my style twin, so we coo.

This is where I show you how much I love the newest issue.  Post-its added for effect. Don't mind the last 5-8 seconds... I attempted to do a little swirvy dance for you all, but instead I think it might make you dizzy and vom.

Nylon March 2010 ! from OohSparkles on Vimeo.


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