
The content featured here is a conglomerate of all things I do/like, and find inspirational - most of which tends to involve sparkles. Hope you enjoy!

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OkCupid : Where I'm @@@@@

There have been many a-propositions, but I have yet to go on any dates.  I very foolishly choose to start this little experiment of mine days before midterms which actually just ended and then now I am off to Austin for SXSW in a few days, with many things to do before I leave.  SPRING BREAK 2010 BABY CANCUUUN YEAHHHHH GET NAKED.

I will say, however, that I am incredibly surprised at how many kind of amazing people are on this site.  Is this a thing?  Like the site.  Like is it an actual thing that is known to be a bit cheesy but kind of awesome? Because there are definitely some major hotties lurking around.  And by lurking I don't mean lurking.  I more mean vouyering around.  Kind of like me.  Kind of like us.  Kind of like us all, right?

My fav date propositions have been A) to go to a comedy show at Upright Citizens Brigade and B) play 'photo hunt' at a bar (if you don't know what this is, don't ask me.  I had to ask the guy like 50 times and still don't understand).  Other than that everyone is more like "let's get drinks, blah blah".  Now don't get me wrong, I'm down for drinks, but I much prefer fun little dates I can report back on.  I actually proposed a picnic to one fellow I am in deep <3 with, but he is currently in Vermont and our picnic has been postponed until he comes back to NYC in 5 weeks. He shall have a tuna sandwich and I said I would have PB&J with banana slices.  Now THAT is a date.

Here are some more highlights:


 So I was going to use my actual name as a username before I realised that OohSparkles would be best.


I took this quiz to tell me what kind of person I was.  That is what quizzes are for, yes?  To tell you who you are?  I was actually hoping to get 'The Playboy', but I think OkCupid may be sexist and not given it to me because I am woman.  WHATEVER.  I was actually quite pleased with my result... "not to be picked by just anyone" is what gets cut off @ the end.  && I love it.


I knew this day would come.


I shall report back on this matter soon.  Most likely next week after Austin and few actual dates, not just talks of.  In the mean time you can check back to see if I decide to post any write-ups about fun bands at SXSW.  If you are out there you should see my friends play!  Philip Seymour Hoffman, Frances, && Neon Indian.  Ask me for deets.  Also, go to the JellyNYC party.  It is a carnival.  Nicky Digital will be taking pics.  Get your picture taken by Nicky Digital.  He will make you look hot. It's going to be beyond awesome.  Then afterwards, you can come over to my Austin house and we can make s'mores in my backyard and have giggles.  YAYY!

Oh, and I most definitely plan to post some sick nasty awesome street style pics and vintage shopping explorations while I'm there.  Austin has THE BEST vintage shopping.

Any other recs for bands I should see?

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Reader Comments (1)

'needy_shea'! hahahahahahahahhahahaha !

March 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVanessa

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