A must if you are my friend (or plan to be in the future)

I came across the 1st Sesame Street video a couple days ago when they posted it to their Twitter. I loved it cus' it's cute.
And although I heard this Willow Smith song for the first time about 3 weeks ago, then heard it again when I was out at *wait for it* the Standard about 2 weeks ago (yes, I flipped my shit when it came on), I have just now seen her music video. I'm guessing it was released today or something because apparently everyone is freaking out about it.. mostly because WILLOW SMITH IS THE COOLEST 9 YEAR OLD EVER.
So when I saw this Seasame Street/Willow Smith mash up video today, I LOL'd to myself alone in my room, which seems to be happening more often than not lately. What can I say, I like a good laff. I also like to hang out in my room alone and watch YouTube videos. I'm serious. Don't try to drag me out tonight. I'm busy whipping my hair and trying to be half as cool as Willow. Once I have this down you will see me at clubs. I'll be whipping my hair back and forth. I will be so good at it you will cry.
That is all.