OkCupid :: I went on Dates!! Suitor #4 : Alex
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 6:15PM
Shea in OkCupid, being a white girl, doggies, fro-yo, get crunk

Name: Alex

Age: 21

Job: Undergrad Student @ NYU studying hip hop and racial identity formation. Also writes music reviews for Time Out New York.

Location: Greenpoint

Compatibility Rating: 88% match, 83% friend, 8% enemy

What Caught My Attention: He was a friend of my friend, Nassim.  After perusing the site with her, she mentioned she got her friend (Alex) to join.  We had a high compatibility rating && he likes hip-hop.  So I figured, why not?

# of Dates: 1

What We Did: We went to 16 Handles where I got my usual concoction of fruity/tangy goodness: Mango & EuroTart fro-yo, blueberries, strawberries, mochi, lychee && gummy bears.  Makes sense, no?  He, on the other, hand got Kiwi Strawberry fro-yo with sprinkles/sweet things on top.. did not make sense to me.  It looked a little something like this..

We kept talking and he was very nice, but it was apparent to me upon meeting him that I was not physically attracted.  Nevertheless, he was Nassim's friend and seemed super nice, so we walked over to the dog park at Tompkins Square Park, sat, and ate our fro-yo.  I inquired about his major and he humoured me w/ some fun music talk.  He described the "hyphy" movement to me, in which he is particularly interested & writing a book.  I kind of loved it, even though I only recognized one artist he mentioned.. E-40 (I have his song, White Gurl on my iTunes.  I HIGHLY recommend everyone download it).

Besides that, we just kind of watched the doggies & talked about how he knows Nassim, etc, because we did not have much more in common besides the fact that we are both in school and pretty passionate about certain things.  Vague, no? That's kind of how the whole date was. 

Grade: C

I couldn't get over the no-physical attraction thing.  Plus, he really seemed even more gay looking in person.  Not that I don't love me my gays, but I'm looking to fall in love, here.  That is an issue.  He also seemed to be a bit square outside his love for music.  For example, even though he lived in the East Village for a summer prior to our date, he still didn't know his way back to the subway.  Issue.

Article originally appeared on Ooh Sparkles! (http://oohsparkles.com/).
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