OkCupid :: I went on Dates!! Suitor #2 : Dan
Friday, April 16, 2010 at 6:30AM
Shea in Barcade, Brooklyn, OkCupid, falling in love

Name: Dan

Age: 24

Job: Currently works 60+ hours/wk delivering for a catering company while also doing stand up comedy things on the side

Location: Alphabet City

Compatibility Rating: 82% match, 76% friend, 16% enemy

What Caught my Attention: He proposed actual fun sounding dates.  && the comedy thing.

# of Dates: 1

What We Did: We went to Barcade in Brooklyn.  I was very excited.. mostly to play Pacman, even though that game gives me major anxiety.  Sadly we had to go on a Friday (sadly because I try to avoid going out out on weekends just because it is so absurdly crowded everywhere, even the streets).  So yes, it was a Friday and quite absurdly crowded over at Barcade.  Nonetheless we had some drinks and he informed me he had a roll of quarters with him for some video game action.  Yes a bit premeditated, but still kind of awesome, anyway.  Played a whole buncha things: Magic Marbles, some kind of inner tube thing on a river, some game where you can murder a lot of people (that was my idea, and it was actually pretty awesome) and then PACMAN!!!!!!!

OkCupid Date w/ Dan @ Barcade from OohSparkles on Vimeo.

This video doesn't do him justice.  He was actally really good.  Gave me a run for my money considering I have that joystick thing you plug into any TV and play.

Grade: C

He was very nice, and seemed quite interested, but in the nicest way possible, was a bit too dull.  I think he is still one of those cute boys next door in Jersey.. great for some nice young girl next door in Pennsylvania or something like that.  He tried to coordinate a second date both during the date and quasi the next week.  I vaguely agreed during the date and then didn't respond to his texts after.  I know it sounds mean, but that is a normal thing, right?  I think we call this the phase out (even though it was after only 1 date) or perhaps just plain old ignoring.  Either way, he was not for me.

Article originally appeared on Ooh Sparkles! (http://oohsparkles.com/).
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