V : "All the World's a Stage"
Thursday, April 15, 2010 at 12:05PM
Shea in Crystal Renn, Emma Dumont, Karen Walker, Kirsten Dunst, Lady Gaga, Richard Burbridge, Rico Nieves, Robbie Spencer, V

I assisted on this shoot a while back.  It is styled by Robbie Spencer, photographed by Richard Burbridge, && can be found in the May issue of V with Kirsten Dunst on the cover.  The theme was Lady Gaga travels the world.  The main girl (who played Lady Gaga) is Emma Dumont.  She just won the V Mag model search.  She is 15 and amazing.  WATCH THE EFF OUT, WORLD.  Also ran into her during fashion week at a few shows.  She had to keep her profile on the DL because this editorial was suppose to be her foray into the fashion world.  She did, however, walk the Karen Walker show.. which was AMAZING this season.  

Also featured in this editorial is V Man model search winner, Rico Nieves, and plus-sized model/hot bitch extraordinaire, Crystal Renn.  (both in 2nd image)

Article originally appeared on Ooh Sparkles! (http://oohsparkles.com/).
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