SXSW ::: JellyNYC + IHEARTCOMIX + Mad Decent's "Carniville" Day 1
Saturday, March 20, 2010 at 6:47PM

I hit up the Jelly carnival the other day, which is by FAR the BEST party being thrown at SXSW.  It is at the Mexican American Cultural Center @ 600 River Street.  Rides, stages, pictures, cotton candy, American Apparel Flea Market, ETC&ETC . LOTS&LOTS !

Saw Kid Sister perform.  She is ADORABLE!

Rockin' a Freedom Jewellery for Topshop heart chain necklace !

Nicky was also around snappin pix while I was around and about on the rideszz!!

RIDESZZ!: JellyNYC + IHEARTCOMIX + Mad Decent Records, "Carniville" @ SXSW from OohSparkles on Vimeo.


<3 <3 <3 !

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