SXSW ::: Hitchhiking 101 : "Hop on, baby!"
Friday, March 19, 2010 at 1:04PM
Shea in bicycle, fmly, s congress, sxsw

"Hop on, baby!" Hitchhiking 101 w/Noah + Ian @ SXSW from OohSparkles on Vimeo.

My partners in crime for the day and I were getting sick of taxis and impatient for the bus (which apparently stops running down S. Congress at 6:30 PM, WTF?) so we (they) decided to try hitchhiking.  I'm a lady so I just stood by and tried to look pretty, batted my eyelashes and such.  We weren't quite successful, but we did get nearly picked up by this charming man on a bicycle.  

Article originally appeared on Ooh Sparkles! (
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