Creepy Violin Twins @ SXSW from OohSparkles on Vimeo.
Saw these girls playing on S. Congress after some bitchesz and I got some noodles at Zen where I was served my an award winning mustachioed man called Ben. Quite fitting he works in a noodle shop, because his mustache is very much that of a samurai.
He proceeded to give me these noodles after speaking in that microphone. He had a voice like velvet.
Oh, && I also still firmly believe that those girls in the video have to give all their violin playing $$$ to God or something. They were really creepy in the kind of way that reminded me of the singing blind children in Slumdog Millionaire. Am I going to far with this reference? I just really wished the girls looked like they enjoyed their violins or cracked a smile. Perhaps they are daughters of Mormons? Those dresses...