Conversations from Last Night
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 7:57PM

This is a conversation that went down between my friend Josey and Elliot.  I like to think of Josey as half badass from Boston that does a lot of graffiti and half super strict Irish-Catholic (even though he isn't religious).  Elliot is more of a free-spirited badass artist type from Brooklyn.  I have to stop them both a lot when they talk because they use a bunch of slang words I don't understand.. although that is also part of the fun. Regardless, this is how the conversation went...


Josey: "Wait, you mean you didn't wear a collared shirt to court?!"

Elliot: "Nah, man.  I wore a shirt that said, 'Are you a dutch master killa?'"

Josey: "Are you kidding me?! How are you not in jail right now?"

Elliot:  "..." "I shoulda worn a Snuggie."


Article originally appeared on Ooh Sparkles! (
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